Obama vetoes Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage
A short-lived celebration from the LGBT community – Obama steps in and stops Gay Marriage in America Same sex unions are now legal in...
This feminist is suing the man who saved her from drowning for rape, because he touched her
20-year old Feminist Cassidy Boon is suing a man who saved her from drowning in a lake for rape - because he touched her.
Ted Cruz wants to ban tattoos, tattoos do not belong in a Christian nation
Got Ink? – not for much longer – at least if senator Ted Cruz gets his way Senator Ted Cruz, the stalwart, political aficionado who has...
I hired some thugs to beat up my father for Fathers Day, to show him how hard women have it
20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon has given her father a Father's Day experience in the name of feminism #DadBeat Today is father’s day....
The confederate flag needs to be banned, and if you dont agree, you are a racist
20-year old Anti-Racist Cassidy Boon thinks the Confederate flag is the root to Southern Evil. I can’t believe more people don’t wake up....
I am Dylann Roofs Gay Black Lover: he did what he did because I broke up with him
The following letter was written by Dylann Roofs former lover. He approached us, hoping to shed some light on the situation and we...
Why the Charleston Shooting should not have anything to do with enforcing Gun Control
On the 17th of June, tragedy hit Charleston, South Carolina. 21-year old anti-black Dylann Roof massacred 9 African American citizens in...
Ted Cruz: vegetarian women can not get pregnant
Too green to breed? Ted Cruz claims you should eat meat because vegitarianism makes you infertile Ted Cruz made a controversial statement...
I identify as a female dinosaur and Jurassic World triggers me, it needs to be banned
An anonymous writer wrote to us and wanted to have this published - we obliged So unless you've been living under a rock for the past...
Hurting innocent dinosaurs for a movie is disgusting, and if you watch it you are part of the proble
22 year old animal rights activist Carla Odle is opposed to the treatment of the dinosaurs used in the filming of Jurassic World This...