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I identify as a female dinosaur and Jurassic World triggers me, it needs to be banned


An anonymous writer wrote to us and wanted to have this published - we obliged So unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months, you know there's a movie in the cinemas right now called Jurassic World. The film is a continuation of the Jurassic Park trilogy from the 1990's and features, as the name suggests, dinosaurs.

I am a dinosaur. I have always been a dinosaur. Ever since I was a 5 years old I've known that I was a female Tyrannosaurus Rex trapped inside the body of a human male. Growing up was not easy. I never wanted to do what the other kids wanted to do. While they played cops and robbers or football I would always run around like my true self, roaring and bleating, looking for juicy food to get my teeth on. My parents were usually kind enough to throw pieces of meat to me so that I could catch them with my mouth and swallow them without using my hands, but I knew that deep down they thought I was really weird. At first they thought it was just a phase, but when I was taken into police custody at the age of 14 for biting a 45-year old woman in the thigh, they knew that this was a part of me. I've never been comfortable in my own skin.My arms always felt to long and my teeth weren't sharp enough to represent my true self. The other kids would tease me, calling me "Dino-boy", "T-REX kid" and "fucking freak". It was a lonely childhood and I never met anyone else like me, but now I've kind of accepted that I am indeed, a #TransasaurusRex

Having accepted who I am is what what makes this so difficult. Seeing all these trailers. Seeing all these bonus clips left right and center. Seeing all these ads everywhere. And of course, seeing the movie itself. 'Jurassic World' treats my kind in a disgusting manner. It shows dinosaurs in cages - it shows dinosaurs being robbed of their freedom to roam - it shows dinosaurs being exhibited like we're trophies for fat humans to gaze at with some disgusting dino fetish in their minds. Guess what! Dinosaurs are not fucking Zoo animals that humans can exploit for money. Dinosaurs should be allowed to be free in nature and do whatever we please. This movie makes people think it's okay to keep other living beings in cages. We are just as valuable as human beings and we have exactly the same rights - both trans dinosaurs and real dinosaurs. There's also gratuitous violence aimed at the dinosaurs. The female Tyrannosaurus Rex that I identified with the most during the film, was subjected to incredible amounts of violence, simply because she was a bit dazed and confused and tried eating some people. This normalization of violence against dinosaurs is not surprising consider the types of movies that have been made since the 1990 *cough* Jurassic Park *cough*, but it's heartbreaking to see that there has been no progress in these 20 years. I thought this movie would show how humans and dinosaurs like myself lived in harmony and tolerated eachother, but no, I am faced with disgusting violence against my brothers and sisters who're abused from start to finish for profit. It makes me sad, as a transasaurus, that these kinds of stereotypes of dinosaurs being savage beasts that need to be taken down with spears and guns, are perpetuated by Hollywood, an institution that is supposed to be for equal rights.

If we start accepting violence depicted against my species, then how can we call ourselves tolerant? Gay people have rights now, Transpeople are beginning to be accepted, but these kinds of movies make it really hard for Transasauruses to be accepted into mainstream society. That's the reason I think 'Jurassic World' should be banned. Because it makes it seem okay to abuse and even kill my kind. I think it's disgusting that in a society that calls itself open and accepting, there's still this bastion of hatred towards people who identify as dinosaurs and it needs to be eradicated before more of us get hurt.

I call for the ban of this hateful movie and I'm now starting a hashtag that I want people to get behind so that we can raise awareness about this issue and hopefully make Steven Spielberg pull this film. Tweet under the hashtag #BanJurassicWorld , to have your voice heard. Together we are strong.

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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