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Ants build colony in the brain of man who snorted ants to absorb "Antman" powers

New Haven, Connecticut - A 31-year old man complaining of severe headache and hallucinations was admitted to New Haven hospital on Tuesday afternoon. A customary CT scan was made as medical staff suspected that a brain tumor could be behind the worrying symptoms - but the doctors didn't find a tumor, what they found instead was far more bizarre. Live activity was noted on the scan - something was moving - and the doctors discovered a a structure deep inside the brain that very much resembled an ants colony. The man was asked if he had had any contact with ants recently and the man startingly admitted that he had "snorted" hundreds of ants the night before as a way to absorb their power and become the "Antman".

Yes you read that right, the man, a big fan of Marvels Antman, a superhero that can be seen in cinemas around the country, snorted ants as a means to try to become his hero, thinking that the ants would give him power and turn him into a superhero. As soon as the doctors understood that live ants had made their way through the man's nasal passage and built a colony in his brain, they scheduled a brain surgery to try to get extract them. A local paper spoke to one of the doctors who made the find in an awestruck interview:

"It is a wonder that he is still alive. The ants have built a fully functional colony in only hours and have carved their way through the man's cerebral matter. It is no wonder that the man is having severe pain and hallucinations, the ants are practically eating his brain and laying eggs in the spaces between the brain matter. We will try to swiftly remove this colony but I am afraid that we can't gurantee that this man will get out of this alive. We suspect that the man had a phsychosis triggered by his love for the superhero Antman and that he has been acting irrationally and erratically for some time now." A friend of the man, an equally comic book enthused man, had this to say about his friend:

"He has always been obsessed with superheroes and especially Antman. I think all of the attention Antman has gotten in connection to the movie became too much for him, he wanted to finally become Antman and did what he could to try to achieve that." The brain surgery is scheduled for Friday morning and until the man has been given medications that doctors hope will kill the ants. We will keep you updated on the story, in the meantime, tweet under #AntBrain to discuss the story.


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