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Obama vetoes Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage


A short-lived celebration from the LGBT community – Obama steps in and stops Gay Marriage in America

Same sex unions are now legal in America – at least they were until about 15 minutes ago. Americas LGBT community erupted in cheer when the Supreme Court ruled in favour for Gay marriage in a historic ruling this morning. The decision immediately led to scenes of jubilation from coast to coast, as campaigners, politicians and everyday people – gay, straight and in-between – hailed “a victory of love”.

The time for celebration, however, is over. At 4:30pm Washington DC time, President Obama held a press conference in the lawn of the White House. This is what he had to say to America. - It has not escaped me that the Supreme Court has made a ruling in favor of Gay Marriage across all states – but after a long consideration upon this issue, I have decided to veto their decision. Now you all know I have always been an avid supporter of Gay Rights but I simply cannot see Gay Marriage being the right thing for America at this time. We need to be strong and unified and the legalization of Gay Marriage would only serve to divide us further. I have drawn up an alternative form of Civil Union that I think a lot of Gay people will see as a substitute for marriage, but I will not allow Gay Marriage at this time. To all the Gay people out there, I hope that you understand my decision to keep America unified and you’re just going to have to wait a little bit longer before you celebrate The announcement has sent shockwaves throughout America, lodging a stone in many a Gay supporters heart. We were at the scene of the celebration in Washington and saw how it quickly died down after Obama’s prohibiting speech. A celebrating man, bedecked in the Pride flag, had this to say: - I thought Obama was a Gay Ally, but now I see he’s just like the rest of the politicians. This was supposed to be a day of celebration for my people but now my Gay friends and I are simply heartbroken. Shame on you Obama! Others are very happy with the President’s decision; Ted Cruz had this to say in a radio interview that was broadcasting live as the announcement was made: - Well isn’t that great. Gay Marriage is an affront to God and people who support that mumbo jumbo need to get their heads checked. I never thought I would applaud Obama for a political decision but this is the best thing he has ever done. America can once again be safe from the perverts. What long lasting political consequences this will have remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain, Gay Supporters are not having a good day. To discuss the veto, tweet under #ObamasVeto

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