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I hired some thugs to beat up my father for Fathers Day, to show him how hard women have it

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20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon has given her father a Father's Day experience in the name of feminism #DadBeat

Today is father’s day. Today is the day when fathers are celebrated across the country for simply existing. It’s a disgusting holiday that indirectly supports things closely associated with fatherhood, such as child abuse, rape and being a deadbeat. The fact that we have a day dedicated to fathers is beyond me, but I guess I can’t be that surprised seeing as we live in a Patriarchy that celebrates maleness to vile extent. I haven’t been able to watch TV, go to the mall, or even be on the internet because it’s been like, full of Fathers Day ads, inciting people to buy gifts for their fathers and pretend that they mean anything to their lives. I am fuming right now.

My father is an exception to how most fathers are. He is a quiet, kind man who has worked hard as a TV-repairman for over 30 years to put food on the table for my family and I. Even though he never tries to show his feelings, I have caught him shedding a tear or two when he is proud of me and my younger siblings. He has said that he loves me everyday since I was born, whether it’s face to face, over the phone or over text. All this has led me to almost like him - but in the end I always remind myself that he is the enemy, that despite being nice, he’s still a MAN who oppresses me and the sisterhood by simply existing. That’s why I didn’t give my dad a traditional Father’s Day present this year - I didn’t give him a tie, or a bottle of whisky or a stupid personalized mug - oh no, I gave my father an experience he won’t soon forget, an educational experience that will serve as a life lesson to him and perhaps give him a new understanding in why we need feminism.

I woke up at 4:30am this morning and drove to the local hood. A couple of shirtless gangbangers were already awake, playing some sort of dice on the street. I parked next to them, exited my car and was serenaded with a chorus of cat-calls, but I will excuse them for this because they were empowered African Americans. So anyway, I told them that I’d give them $100 if they beat up “this guy” - let’s just say were super eager at the opportunity, so I gave them a time, a location and a hundred dollar bill, and then I went on my way back home. Anyway so I went back to bed at my house and waited, patiently. Soon enough I heard my father stirring in the bedroom next to mine. He went downstairs, made breakfast and then he was ready to take his morning walk. He asked me if I wanted some pancakes, but I declined and sort of stayed in the shadows until it was time for him to head out. So after a while, my dad went outside, at the right time. I followed him, sneaking behind him. He had only walked about half a block before they came down on him. The gang of thugs hit him, kicked him, called him names. He tried to fight back, but they were 4 on 1. He screamed for help but it was early in the morning and people aren’t used to violence in my neighbourhood. I saw it all happen, and sure it was kind of sad seeing him being given a real whooping, but it was all for a good cause. After about five minutes of handing out a real beating on my father, who was on the ground, bloodied, the thugs fled the scene - just as planned. I went up to him, his face was bloody, he looked dazed, I called him an ambulance and said “Happy Father’s Day”. He cried when he realized what had happened.

My father is in the hospital right now and I’d say he has learnt a thing or two about what it is like to be a woman. I showed my father that the celebration of Father's Day focuses the attention on the nation on completely the wrong thing and sweeps women, who are beaten by their husbands everyday, under the rug. These women are ignored while their abusers are given ties, whiskey bottles and personalized shitty mugs on this horrible day. What I did, I did to spread awareness of domestic abuse and general violence against women. I wanted to show my father, and all fathers reading this, that they won’t always get away with being privileged assholes who get away with rape, abuse and cat-calling only to get rewarded for it with gifts. I wanted to give my father the opportunity to feel the pain that women have to feel every day at the hands of men like him. Perhaps now he realizes that Father’s Day, by definition, is a day that should be banned. Maybe the thugs knocked some sense into him and made him realize that he and other men don’t deserve to be given anything, ever, until they stop beating women. And Dad, I am truly sorry, even though I don’t particularly like you, it was hard seeing you being beaten up, but I hope you’ve now felt what it’s like to be a woman in this sexist society.

I am now starting the hashtag #DadBeat , under which you can discuss the empowering thing I’ve done and also discuss whether Fathers Day should be banned forever. I know there’s going to be a lot of haters who think I’m evil for using violence on my own father to prove a point, but if you’re one of them, I urge you to think about all the fathers who beat their families and picture them getting gifts. Is that right too, huh? No I didn’t think so.

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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