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Correlation between eating pancakes for breakfast and being gay discovered

Are you a man who finds other men sexually attractive? Yes? Then chances are you had a lot of pancakes for breakfast as a kid.

Researchers at Harvard have found a remarkable correlation between having pancakes for breakfast and being gay. Their studies show that men who prefer pancakes for breakfast over alternatives such as cereals or sandwiches, are 84% more likely to like men. The scientists are puzzled by the results of the study, which took four years to complete, but they do have some conjectures as to the cause of this link.

- My best guess is that the white flour, coupled with the sugar, the butter and the syrup causes a rapid decline in the male sex hormone, testosterone, which in turn causes the subject's brain chemistry to assume a more feminine state. The pancakes are, in essence, turning these men into heterosexual women, says Laura Kemp, one of the scientists involved in the study.

After ingesting pancakes, the changes in man's sexuality is immediate. The researches asked a group of 10 men to perform actions that were suggestive of homosexuality, such as baking, listening to ABBA or watching soccer, and recorded the frequency that the phrase "No Homo" was uttered before eating pancakes and after eating pancakes. The contrast was astonishing - the men said "No Homo" 90% less after they had consumed pancakes, this suggests they were more comfortable carrying out the "queer" deeds.

No link between pancakes and Lesbian behaviour has been found yet. Researcher Kyle Dobbersby is hopeful.

- My roomates are women, and I usually make them breakfast, so I'm crossing my fingers.

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