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Pop-star Justin Bieber infected with Ebola - Rushed to New York hospital this morning.

Today is a horrible day for beliebers everywhere - Justin Bieber, the 20-year old pop-sensation who has taken the world by storm and stolen many a teen girl's heart, was diagnosed with Ebola this morning. Early this morning, Justin Bieber, the global superstar behind worldwide hits such as "Baby", "Boyfriend" and "Never say never", reported that he felt ill and nauseous. His management team, who follow the star everywhere, noted that he was sweating profusely and that his forehead was "smoldering hot". Bieber was rushed to hospital, the very same hospital he visited earlier this week to comfort a 5-year old boy dying from cancer. An hour later, he was diagnosed with Ebola and was quarantined as pictured. - It all happened so quickly, I can't believe it, one minute he was jumping around being his usual, cheeky self, the next, he couldn't stand up straight. I was horrified to learn that he has Ebola, the chances of surivival are slim, I'm praying that he will be okay, says a member of his entourage, barely able to hold the tears back. We spoke to Hank Feava, the doctor who diagnosed Bieber, and asked him to explain the situaiton. - Mr. Bieber is in a critical condition but we are glad that he got medical attention so quickly, that increases his chances of survival. It is likely that Bieber contracted the virus when he visited this hospital this week, some residual Ebola virus from the time we treated one of the infected US nurses must have found its way into Bieber's respiratory system. We are currently evacuating the hospital. Bieber is to be flown to a classified, quarantined location where he will be treated during a two week period - if he survives that long. Further reports on this story will be published as they appear, in the meantime, discuss Biebers fight against Ebola under the hashtag #BieberVsEbola.

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