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Superman & Spiderman crossover confirmed for 2018

Superhero fans rejoice! - Today DC comics and Marvels announced a groundbreaking collaboration that will see Superman and Spiderman hit the bigscreen together! Superhero movie fans must be walking on clouds right about now. The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man and Batman vs. Superman; Dawn of Justice are all on the horizon - and today, another future blockbuster was added to the myriad, making all geek-dreams come true. DC comics and Marvel, the two colossal powerhouses in the comic-book industry, announced this morning that a Superman & Spiderman crossover is scheduled to hit cinemas July 2018. The details are sparse as of yet, but we will update you as the news unravel. To discuss this story, tweet under #Superman&SpidermanMovie

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