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Senator Kirsten Gillibrand wants to make the Statue of Liberty plus-sized: "Portraying a woman that

Soon New York iconic landmark, the Statue of Liberty, might soon get a little bit bigger - actually, a lot bigger.

The Statue of Liberty was bequeathed to the United States in 1886, by the French. Ever since then, the torch-bearing lady has personified the American spirit - one of freedom and perseverance. But now, things are about to change, at least if New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand gets her way.

- The statue is beautiful and meaningful, but it represents an unrealistic beauty standard that doesn’t belong in 2014. New York women, and women from anywhere else in the world for that matter, may look at the statue and feel demoralized and disenchanted, due to its slim waist, pert breasts, and thin neck. The woman portrayed is not real, she’s made of stone, and her body is not attainable to the average woman, therefore, we’ve reached a decision to change the statue to reflect a more normal female body. We want to add a few pounds to the statue and thereby make her look like the average US woman, she will still be beautiful, but more curvy and realtisic. When we’re done with her, women won’t feel bad when they look at her , said the senator at a press conference this morning. The project has to be approved by a number of boards before it can enter even the planning stages, but the senator is hopeful that she’ll see Lady Liberty’s transformation during her own incumbency. Not everyone agrees with the proposed change, many New Yorkers already expressed their outrage. We spoke to one of the naysayers who've gathered in Times Square to protest, James Gallow, a local fireman and family father, had this to say - This is political correctness gone mad! I can’t believe such an iconic landmark is to be changed because some women feel fat looking at it, it’s insane. If the project goes ahead, the statue's new body is expected to be revealed in 2019. To discuss this story, tweet under #StatueOfLardity

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