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"The Legend of Zelda"-movie confirmed for 2020 release

Hyrule will finally hit the big screen - director Chris Columbus confirms that he will be directing a 2020 release of a "The Legend of Zelda" film.

Zelda fans rejoice! - at a press conference earlier today, Chris Columbus, known for directing the first Harry Potter movies, confirmed that he is in the begin stages of making a live action "The Legend of Zelda" film. The film, based on Nintendos much-beloved "The Legend of Zelda" franchaise is long awaited among millions of fans. This is what Columbus had to say this morning:

- I am happy to announce that a "The Legend of Zelda" film is in the works, scheduled to be released in 2020. I am honored to get the opportunity to be a part of this project, which truly is, of legendary proportions. I am a huge Zelda fan myself so this is a dream come true"

The announcement has stirred an outpouring of exhiliration among fans, many of whom have taken to social media to celebrate the news.

One young man on Facebook describes his excitement:

- I have been waiting for this ever since I played Ocarina of Time on N64 as a little kid, this is magical, finally!

Columbus was averse to reaveal any details about the project, but he promises that it will "blow your mind"

The film is scheduled to be released in May 2020.

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