Teen girl dies after her lips explode from doing the #KylieJennerChallenge
Lip-X-plosion - Iowa teen has her lips blown off after following new, dangerous lip trend. At 6 o' clock this morning, a 911 call was placed from Davenport, Iowa. On the phone was a mother who claimed her daughter "had no lips" and was "losing a lot of blood". An ambulance was dispatched and took the 14 year old girl to hospital where doctors concluded that her lips had actually exploded. At first doctors were puzzled as to what had caused the rupturing of the girl's lips, but once she had awoken from unconciousness, she was able to write down what happened.
It turned out that the girl had been trying a self-induced kind of cosmetic surgery, one where you insert your lips in to a bottle or similar object, and apply suction so as to make blood collect in the lips. This causes the lips to become engorged and appear much larger. This procedure has been named the Kyle Jenner Challenge due to the stars characteristically large lips. Thousands of teens are performing this dangerous lip suction in the hopes of looking like their idol, and sharing it on their social medias.
The 14 year old who for hours drifted between conciousness and unconciusness was later declared dead as her blood loss was to dire to replenish.
Doctors are now advising everyone to stop performing the #KyleJennerChallenge immediately and urge any one who has already done it to seek medical attention. To discuss this story, tweet under #JennerLipDeath