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Anzac Day is sexist and needs to be stopped #StopAnzacDay


Cassidy Boon is a 20 year old feminist who's tired of the worship of the ANZACS

I am so angry right now I can hardly write. Like, I'm shaking as I write this. I always get really upset this time of year because of all the bullshit that the media spouts, but this year is special, this time they've really revved up the engine on the misogyny. I'm talking, of course, of Anzac Day.

The fact that Anzac Day is allowed to be a national holiday is beyond atrocious. All Anzac day is, is worshipping MEN - sexist, violent men who went to a stupid war and died. We're supposed to be bowing down to these people like they were some kind of Gods, when all they did was leave their families, go on a vacation to Turkey or whatever and do hookers.

Nowhere, absolutely NOWHERE, is there a mention of the brave Australian women of the first world war. It's like they're completely forgotten, despite being the REAL victims of war. Think about it, their good for nothing husbands left them to fend for themselves - take care of the kids and put food on the table, all the while fearing for their lives. Their men were having a blast in Egypt, cheating on them with whores and being all chauvinistic.

The ANZACS' women suffered the most by far, they felt alone, discarded and had no way to get ahead in life once their husbands died. And now, 100 years later on some stupid anniversary, there's no mention at all of these brave, strong women who fought the odds just to survive. We're focusing solely on men in these celebrations, even though they didn't even win the fight at Gallipoli, our Australian women won every fight. I'm sure the women would've won against the Turks had they been allowed to fight too, they' would've rocked those trenches.

I think we need to stop honoring the ANZACS alltogether, in fact, I think we need to stop Anzac Day completely, unless of course, women's experiences are brought into the light. I call for the boycott of the holiday and I think everyone who's thinking of attending a memorial service of any kind this saturday should stay home. It's a question of treating women with respect, and if the people responsible for these memorials neglect to shed some light on the harship that the women had to go through, they can stuff themselves, I'm serious.

I'm seriously starting this hashtag now #StopAnzacDay and hope that people will join me boycotting this misogynist holdiay. I've had enough and all Australians probably agree.

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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