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9-year old boy expelled from school because he said he "didn't like Obama"


Freedom of speech breached? 9 year old boy expelled from his school for anti-Obama remark.

9 year old Jacob Wheeler attending Rosa Parks elemenary school in Los Angeles, California, was asked to leave the school and "never come back" after he made some comments that the teacher did not approve of during a history lesson. The lesson, which centered around US presidents since the 18th century along with the current political landscape, was derailed when young Jacob raised his hand and said he "didn't like Obama". His teacher responded by sending him to the principal's office, where he was then told that he would be expelled from the school for insensitive and racist remarks.

Wheeler comes from a conservative Christian family. His parents Sarah and Brad Wheeler are avid republicans, involved in local politics.

"We've always raised Jacob and his brothers to love America, freedom and the right to bear arms. Those liberties do not go so well in hand with Obama's policies, so we've made sure he knows what kind of man is running our country. We're happy Jacob stood up for what he believed in in class, but the fact that he was expelled for being a red blooded American sickens me."

Says Brad Wheeler, when we meet them at the Wheeler's California home

"I got a mind to move out of this God forsaken state and put him in a school that shares our American values, but first, we're suing the school" He continues The family is now taking legal actions against the school for what they believe is restriction of freedom of speech and discrimination of opinion - they're not backing down until justice is served."

If the school think they can get away with excluding my son because he doesn't think like everybody else, they got another thing coming" We reached out to Rosa Parks elementary where principal Hugh Myrone Gaines answered our comments.

"Jacob disrupted the lesson in a very disrespectful way and spoke ill of our great, revolutionary and tolerant president. We will not allow such ignorance and racism at our establishment and we don't regret excluding him one bit. There's a time and place for freedom of speech, but insulting our great African American president won't be tolerated". We will update you on what happens next in this remarkable story, in the meantime, to discuss the story, tweet under #JacobWheeler

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