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I am ashamed to be a skinny girl - and you should be too #ProteinWorld


The #ProteinWorld controversy that everyone's talking about has made me realize a few things about weight and body image that I want to share with you. Okay here we go:

I'm ashamed of my body - I am ashamed of my oppressor-body. I am ashamed of how my protruding bones cut into bigger girls' hearts and souls. I am ashamed because I'm regarded as more valuable just because my waist is slimmer. I am ashamed of how I contribute to a culture that teaches girls that it's not okay to have curves. I am ashamed and you should be too. It's not okay anymore.

It's gone too far. The fitness craze and the gym-pressure has never been so strong. Every day a new instagram account magically appears, displaying a skinny girl who only takes pictures in the gym of her squat-shaped Kim K ass and her tiny "healthy" meals. And everyday, millions of bigger girls are fed with this bullshit and made to feel unworthy of love just because they decide to have a cheese sandwich or some boiled candy instead of kale. The instagram fitness girls contribute to a culture where we measure our value in the number of likes we get, and since men have patriarchal glasses and have been programmed by the media to think that 110lbs girls are prettier than 250lbs girls, they press like on the skinniest girl's picture.

Our society has become incredibly fatphobic over the last few years and it's not just skinny girls causing it. Dishonest doctors who've conspired together send signals to our society that it's unhealthy to be fat. This is a big (fat) lie, created to keep big girls down, that most people actually seem to believe. There's no correlation between weight and health. There's fat people who're healthy and there's skinny people who're unhealthy. If you knew ANYTHING about body acceptance, you would have understood that. You need to change your fattitude.

As a feminist and a skinny girl I feel horrible. I mean as a feminist I should support all my sisters fight, but how can I do that with a flat stomach and a tight butt? I look exactly like the patriarchy wants me to look and I know it hurts so many. What us skinny girls need to do is to stop placing worth on running on treadmills and stop eating foods nobody can pronounce. It's time we ally ourselves with bigger girls by sinking down into the couch, let go of all the patriarchal thinking, and having a damn pizza. There's nothing better than gaining a few pounds and not caring - that's taking the power back from the patriarchy.

If you're a skinny girl, you need to be ashamed. You should be ashamed for actively choosing to be a sardine in the patriarchy's sardine can - be a whale instead and be proud. It's time to stop the fitness craze once and for all and realize that it doesn't matter if you're 350 pounds, you're still beautiful. Big women rock! It's not too late to become big both in body and heart.

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© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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