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Silent Hills officially UN-cancelled - "the petition changed our minds"


Horror-game fans rejoice! - petition prompts reawakening in Silent Hills franchaise.

Last week, Silent Hills, a horror game developmed by Kojima Productions, directed by Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with film director Guillermo del Toro, was cancelled. The cancellation came as a result of Kojima and his seniors' staffers decision to leave Konami after the completion of the latest Metal Gear Solid franchaise. The rueful decision by the studio caused millions of horror game fans to lament online and this, in turn, resulted in an organic petition where fans everywhere could express their discontent at the cancellation - and now, it seems like it's paid off - big time.

Earlier today, Konami, Guillermo del Toro and Hideo Kojima issued a joint press release that's going to make a lot of gamers very happy. This is what they had to say: "After having witnessed the immense reaction that gamers around the world have shown to the cancellation of Silent Hills, along with the organic organization with which they created the petition with over 85,000 signatures as we speak, we've resolved to reconsider our decision. We can now say, with a smile on our faces, that we're reviving the Silent Hills project."

A release date for the game is still to be announced, but there is no doubt that the news of the re-continuation will keep the fans steam up for a long time to come. To discuss these thrilling news, tweet under #SilentHillsUnCancelled

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