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Why it is okay for women to cheat on their boyfriends


Okay there's something we need to talk about. There's this misconception in society that it's equally bad for women to cheat on their boyfriend as it is the other way around. This is not true, like AT ALL. If you're a man and you cheat on your significant other you're a fucking asshole beyond compare. You deserve to burn in hell for an eternity. I mean it. As a feminist who’s been in many relationships, I can say I've been through a lot – I’m lucky I’m a strong person.

There's hardly anything worse than cheating on a girl. This is because then you're using your Patriarchal powers over her and oppressing her by using, like, psychological warfare to push her down and make her feel worthless. You're literally stomping on that empowering commitment that you made with the girl. The moment you stick your dick in another girl, you're dogshit and deserve to be hung. Men are animals who can't control themselves and when a man cheats he should be sent back in time to 1940’s Germany and be turned into a Jew. That’s how much I hate cheating guys. OH YOU DIDN’T MEAN TO, HUH? OH YOU WERE DRUNK? BULL-SHIT.

When a girl cheats on a man however, it’s the man’s fault entirely. Girls only cheat when the man isn’t fulfilling her emotional needs and her desire to be pampered and made feel pretty by the guy. Us girls are very loving and caring and when those feelings aren’t reciprocated by our men we tend to seek that affection elsewhere – and rightly so – nobody likes a guy who can’t satisfy his woman. Cheating on your boyfriend is OKAY, in fact it should be encouraged, because if your man isn’t satisfying your inner hunger, whether it’s with sex, gifts or affection, the most empowered thing to do is to go find a new man who does. Men who’re cheated on are obviously good for nothings who’re lacking in the ability to make their woman satisfied. So, guys, if you don’t want to be cheated on, step up your goddamn game! Don’t be the loser that gets cheated on.

So obviously there’s a difference between the genders cheating. This is because of the power imbalance that exists in this patriarchal society. Women who cheat on their men are kicking the patriarchy in the nuts and giving making sure that they feel empowered and satisfied, while men who cheat do it only to get their dicks wet. It’s incredibly irritating to see people who think women who cheat are just as bad as men who cheat – they’re not, they’re just strong, empowered women who can do what they want without a man telling them what to do. It’s 2015, not 1955 for God’s sake. So yeah, I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate from non-feminist idiots from this, but I think it’s an important issue nonetheless.

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