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If you voted for UKIP you are nothing but a foul racist

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Cassidy Boon is a 20 year old feminist Barista who wants a more tolerant britain

Oh god I’m going to try to keep it together, even though I’m literally shaking right now. Okay, so last night the election results were finalized and the election era came to an end (thank God). The election was a catastrophe in my eyes, with the Tories getting their, like, grubby hands on the majority, but that’s not what I’m going to talk about today – no, I’m going to talk about a far more sinister menace, one that has grown like an all-encompassing political weed since the last election – I’m talking of course of UKIP.

UKIP is a party of right-wing rats. Like the rodents they carry disease, and their disease is called racism. Nigel Farage, the head honcho of the elaborate machine of xenophobia, is a man who hardly bothers to cover up his intolerance anymore. He spends his day in Brussels, like, sitting around on his flappy ass-cheeks, shouting at our European brothers and sisters and calling our wonderful and, like, really helpful and tolerant union (that’s putting food on British tables), “a disaster”. The only reason why he’s doing this is because he wants to keep that which is British and push away any other cultures or influences. Nigel or Lil' Nilly Willy as I call him, would rather have meatpies for the rest of his life than have a varied, multicultural diet. Farage even calls himself a nationalist and you know who else was a nationalist, that’s it, Hitler. I’m gonna go as far as to say that Hitler and Farage would’ve made quite the buddies had they lived at the same time - they're like peas in a pod.

Now, onto what happened yesterday. 13% of all Englishmen voted for UKIP. That’s more than 3 million people. I was like totally baffled when I found out. I can’t believe this. What's this country come to? 3 million people don’t want my black friend Cassandra to exist, 3 million people want my Muslim friend Amina killed and 3 million want my Jewish friend Sarah to go to Israel and stay there forever. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do I have to be afraid in public, that every eight or so person is a racist with bloodlust? Must I be scared that the man sitting across from me in the underground is a UKIPer who reads Mein Kampf before he goes to bed? And I don’t think of like, only myself. I’m more concerned about the welfare of my ethnic friends, they can feel that racism is growing and soon they won’t feel comfortable in their own country. For shame all of you who voted for UKIP, it’s like we’re in the 1930’s again, have you learnt nothing from history? You all deserve to burn.

I can't keep writing because I'm so disgusted with all of you, but the bottomline is, you're all vile, racist scum. I am ashamed to be British on a day like this. So now I'm officially starting a hashtag and I hope everyone who agrees with me tweets under it #UkipAreRats -> Follow Cassidy Boon on twitter @CassidyBoon95

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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