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Moms need to stop breastfeeding their baby boys - it gives them an unfair advantage over girls

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If you're a mom breastfeeding a baby boy, you're seriously comitting a sexist act.

Okay so there's something that needs to be talked about. Like, a lot. I can't believe this issue isn't talked about more since it is like a really important feminist topic that concerns our babies. I Cassidy Boon, feminist, journalist and social justice activist am ready to break that silence. I do it at the risk of being met with hatred and like, total indignimation from greasy, MRA types and maybe even death threats from some of the more rabid variety of anti-feminist haters. But it's totally worth it, I do it for the children (literally).

Moms need to stop breastfeeding baby boys. There I said it. Surprised? Angry? Confused? Well you totally shouldn't be. Think about it, in the formative years of our lives, the "baby years", nutrition is, like, very important. How much you eat and how well you eat during this time is like, a predict you overall health in adulthood. Breastfeeding is like the best way to give your baby the vitamins and minerals and all that shit that babies need when growing up, and studies show that children who're breastfed generally perform better later in life compared to those who don't.

With all this in mind, look at breastfeeding through a gender-perspective. Baby boys who grow up to men and oppress women, keep women down and rape women get a great start when getting breastfed. Sure, girls who get breastfed also get this boost, but seeing as society is really unequal, we need to level it out. That's why we need to stop breastfeeding baby boys - to remove the unfair advantage that men have in society. This is so crucial and I can't believe more women think about this.

So yeah if you're a mother breastfeeding a baby boy - STOP, like right now, like I'm not even kidding, you need to STOP it right now. If you don't stop, you're seriously a bad mother and a sexist! To discuss this with me, tweet under #NoMilk4Boys

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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