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The Boston bomber is too cute to be given the death sentence #2cute2die

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When I heard the news I broke down crying. They don't get to do this. They don't get to take a life just because he took lives. They don't get to remake his mistake. They don't get to take such a lost, but brilliant soul away for something he did without thinking clearly. He's a good guy deep down, everybody knows it. He's way too cute to die and I'm not going to let them take him away.

I'm talking about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the so-called "Boston Bombers". Yesterday he was given a death sentence for what he and his brother did in 2013 at the Boston Marathon where three people were killed. This is not okay. The death sentence should be given to murderers and rapists, not young, good-looking and totally cute college students who took a wrong turn in life and made a SINGLE mistake.

Okay for those of you who don't know what he did, here's a quick rundown. So on the 15 of April 2013 Dzhokhar and his brother detonated a bomb at the annual Boston marathon. They did this because they had been radicalized by Islam and felt they were going to get revenge on the US for their war on Iraq and Afghanistan. And while this is a pretty legitimate reason to protest they really went too far killing people.

Anyways so Dzhokhar made a big mistake - so what? We're only human, we all make mistakes. Dzokhar was a popular college student, he was well-liked by all his peers and especially among girls (I can see why #lol). He just took a step in the wrong direction and now he has to pay the biggest prize of all for it? It’s NOT fair! Like, at all. Sure of course I think it was wrong of him to kill those runners, but again, he’s a good guy, all of his friends couldn’t even BELIEVE for the life of them that he would do such a thing. So no, he’s NO thug, this was his first offence, you can’t just kill him for doing what he believes to be RIGHT! I’m speaking directly to the court now, and you need to listen to me! Like seriously, Dzokhar is almost innocent! His brother was the driving force behind the attack, like, I mean it. How can you want to end this young man’s life? It doesn’t make sense. Look at his puppy eyes. Look at his swirling brown locks. He looks like a goddamned teen idol with his whole life ahead of him and you want to throw that all away. Look here, I am starting this campaign now because I’m not going to see Dzokhar being killed by the corrupt legal system. What he did was wrong, YES, but you shouldn’t sink to that same level. Just give him a few years to think about what he did and then RELEASE him. I just know he can be reformed; he’s too cute to be a terrorist.

Now I know many agree with me and I want everyone who does to TWEET UNDER #2cute2die. Perhaps, together, we can get the court to reconsider their decision. I WILL NOT LET DZHOKHAR DIE! and I don't think you will either.

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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