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Obama officially pardons Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

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Marathon Murderer Pardoned – Death-sentenced Boston Bomber officially pardoned by Obama On May 15, Dhozkhar Tsarneav, one of the Boston Bombers was given the death sentence for his involvement in the anti-American terrorist attack that killed 3 and injured 264. Now however, that sentence has officially been repealed, as president Obama has issued an official pardon. The pardon came at a press conference held at the White House this morning. This is what the president had to say: - Fellow Americans, make no mistake, what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother did in April 2013 was wrong – very wrong. My respects go out the Americans that were killed or injured during the bombings and their families. Having said all this however, sometimes, we need to have mercy. Dzhokhar is a 21-year old Muslim with a promising future. He is intelligent, he was well-liked by his peers and he was well adjusted. I don’t feel like such a young life can be ended for one single mistake that was a result of subversive radicalization. It is important that we embrace muslims in this country and that we are willing to forgive their trespasses with the same readiness as we do Christians. I am looking forward to meeting with Dzhokhar and discussing how he can give back to the community he so wrongfully destroyed.

The incarcerated terrorist will be released from custody on July 29th and will enter into a governmental “reformation programme”, where he will be exposed to American values and morality, something Obama hopes, will get rid of his anti-american sentiments. - Just like our Lord Jesus Christ, we must also learn to forgive, even the gravest of sinners, I am confident that Dzhokhar will go on to lead a lawful, American life.

Not unexpectedly, the decision has drawn angry reactions from Americans everywhere.One outspoken republican twitter user had this to say. - The day the president pardons murderers is the day he stops looking out for Americans, disgusting! This story is still developing, but to discuss it, tweet under #ObamaPardonsBomber

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