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8 year old girl expelled from school because she was wearing a cross necklace


Freedom of religion breached? 8 year old girl expelled from her California school for wearing a cross necklace. 8-year old Liza Mayworth attending Rosa Parks Elementary school in Los Angeles, California, was asked to leave the school and "never come back" after she was seen wearing a necklace that the teacher did not approve of during a history lesson. Liza was found wearing a standard cross necklace, was asked to take it off, but when Liza refused, the teacher responded by sending her to the principal's office. There, she was told that she would be expelled from the school for breaking the school’s strict anti-religious symbols policy. Liza comes from a conservative Christian family. Her parents Sarah and Brad Mayworth are avid republicans, involved in local politics. - We've always raised Liza and her sisters to love America, freedom and the right to believe in whatever you want. It’s disgusting to see her getting expelled over wearing a symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ, now we know there’s an anti-religious symbol at the school, but you gotta remember that America is founded on a Christian values and tradition and we think a cross should be allowed. We love our daughter and want the best for her so this obviously has us heartbroken. We can’t believe she was expelled for being an honest to God Christian. Says Brad Mayworth, when we meet them at the Mayweather’s California home - I got a mind to move out of this God forsaken state and put her in a school that shares our American, Christian values, but first, we're suing the school" He continues The family is now taking legal actions against the school for what they believe is restriction of freedom of religion” They're not backing down until justice is served - If the school think they can get away with excluding my daughter because she wore a cross necklace, they got another thing coming" We reached out to Rosa Parks elementary where principal Hugh Myrone Gaines answered our comments.” "The religious symbol that Liza was wearing around her neck are strictly forbidden at our school. At Rosa Parks Elementary we pride ourselves on having a strictly atheist outlook and therefore we are very vocal about letting religion play a part in the children’s schooling. The cross symbolizes a lot of what’s wrong in the world, it has contributed to countless wars and even genocide and we will not have it in our halls. Christianity is a dangerous religion that has no place in our schools. It promotes homophobia and Islamophobia and we will not stand for that. There's a time and place for freedom of religion, such as when it’s concerning a minority religion like Islam, but when it concerns Christianity, we won’t tolerate it."

We will update you on what happens next in this remarkable story, in the meantime, to discuss the story, tweet under #Crossgate

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