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Obama confirms that he is a Muslim


Muslim in the White House – Obama confirmed this morning that he is indeed of the Muslim faith

Ever since the presidential election 2008, there have been speculations about Barack Obama being Muslim. His full name, Barack Hussein Obama has an unmistakably Arabic character and this was the catalyst for these rumours. Obama has ferociously negated these claims throughout his time in office, stating that he is a baptized Christian, but now, as of this morning, he made a startling revelation to America

At a press conference on the White House lawn this morning, President Obama commenced a speech that drew many gasps from the audience. This is what he had to say.

- My fellow Americans, the time has come for me to be completely honest with you. I have heretofore been equivocal about my faith and have not been completely open with what I believe in. The reason for my secrecy has been, I’m not afraid to say it, completely political, but now, as I am nearing the end of my run, I think you deserve to know the truth: I am Muslim – and I’m proud of it. It is true that I was raised a Christian, but as I reached adolescence, I found Allah, peace be upon him. Ever since the age of 17 I have prayed to the one true God, Allah and have been surreptitiously following all the Islamic practices. I chose not to tell America about my true faith as I feared that 2008 America would judge me based on my religious beliefs instead of my political views. I hope that the America of 2015 will accept me for who I am and what I’ve done for this country” Obama’s revelation has, not unexpectedly, drawn angry reactions from Americans everywhere. One outspoken republican twitter user had this to say.

- The day our president is a Muslim is the day Americans stop being safe, disgusting!

The political consequences that the big reveal will no doubt have remain to be seen, we will update you as soon as it happens.

In the meantime, discuss this under the hashtag #IslamObama

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