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We need to give returning Aussie ISIS fighters financial support and housing


Cassidy Boon is a twenty year old anti-racist who sees the good in all people

There's an issue, or rather, a group of people, that not a lot of people seem to dare touch. They've become Pariahs in our society and no one seems to have the guts to look out for them and give them the support they need. The neglect that these people are having to face is disgusting, and despite having made poor choices in the past, they're only human and deserve compassion same as anyone else. I am talking, of course, of Australian jihadists who've gone to fight for ISIS and who've now returned to Australia.

The young Muslim men who choose to go to the Middle East to fight for what they believe in deserve more than this. Yes, they may murder a few people, yes they may rape some women, and I'm in no way condoning that, but come on, this is WAR and they're still human and deserve to be treated as such in every situation. We need to welcome these young brave, albeit misguided, men back into Australian society and do our best to help reform them and give them a fresh new start in Australia after having left the terror, murdering and raping behind them. If you think about it, they're already on their good way to being reformed or else they wouldn't have been brave enough to return to Australia in the first place. The boys who do return obviously have a good head on their shoulders and there is no way they would want to come to back Australia for any other reason than to amend their bad ways and start afresh.

I think the politicans need to draw up a plan for returning Jihadists. There needs to be a system in place before these young men become disillusioned with having no job to go to and nowhere to live. I mean think about what they've been through. They've seen some horrible things down in Syria and it's probably safe to say that it has mentally scarred them. I suggest that our leaders (everyone apart from those representing the Racist Tony Abbott), provide some financial support for the fighters to get back on their feet and give them an incentive to start a new Aussie, fair dinkum life. A small allowance of a couple of hundred dollars a month is probably fair. I also think we should provide them with housing, nothing major, but a small apartment in the big cities where they can feel at home and reassimilate into our society again, without of course, abondoning their vibrant Muslim beliefs. We must, of course, also provide free mental healthcare so that the former jihadists can get a chance to rehabilitate and get rid of these boys mental demons. I hope the politicans listen to me and the millions of tolerant Australians who share my view on this. We can not let the Aussie Jihadists become Pariahs in their own country. YES, they've made mistakes. NO, I don't condone any of that, but they're still human at the end of the day and it's up to the Australian people to give them a comfortable life. If you do not agree with me, you're probably a racist Tony Abbott supporter who thinks that all muslims are evil terrorists. Get behind the movement, let's create a bright new start for the defectors of ISIS, tweet under #ISISinOZ

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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