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Pokemon is homophobic, the attract move only works on the opposite gender.

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Feminist Cassidy Boon has found homophobia in Pokemon games and wants Nintendo to change its ways

I get so tired of this shit. Big companies think they can get away with anything because they're powerful and they don't care about how many people they hurt. I'm so fucking angry at these assholes but I'm going to try to write this as comprehensively as possible. So there's this issue that needs to be talked about and it pertains to gaming. I know I've talked a lot about feminism in gaming recently, but you're totally going to have to bear with me because this is a huge issue in one of the most popular gaming franchises on the planet. Pokemon is fucking homophobic - that's right - the games that you and your nerdy friends have played since before I was born are riddled with overt homophobia. But I guess you haven't even noticed this fact because you've been too busy trying to look up the skirts of the female poké-trainers in the game. Yesterday when I was totally bored I took my little brother's 3DS from his room and started playing on it. Pokemon Y was in the slot and it infused in me a feeling of nostalgia as I used to play Pokemon all the time back in the day. So I went on my merry way through the Pokemon world doing all the Pokemon stuff you do, (like avoiding the tall grass) and had a good time - at least for a while, but then it happened - the thing that showed me Nintendo's true colors. I got into a Pokemon battle with a trainer, because apparently you can’t walk past them without them aggressively wanting to fight you. So I used this Pokemon, it was kind of a cat Pokemon and got ready to battle my opponents Pokemon. I wanted to use a good attack, but I didn’t really have any good ones so I chose one called “attract”. Little did I know that that move would change the way I view Pokemon, Nintendo and gaming forever. It failed - the “attract” move failed. Okay so now you’re thinking “so what if the move failed, all moves can miss sometimes” - but no, oh no, there’s only one reason why that move failed - because Nintendo is a homophobic ass company.

The only reason why the “attract” move failed, is BECAUSE THE OTHER POKEMON WAS THE SAME GENDER AS MINE. Like OMG, I couldn’t even believe it at first. I mean, it’s 2015 and we’ve really come a long way in the past 50 years, but apparently Nintendo still thinks it’s 1955. OF COURSE TWO POKEMON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX CAN ATTRACT EACH OTHER - there’s gay people and of course there’s bound to be gay Pokemon. The Nintendo people are Asian male privileged assholes if they think they can get away with this BLATANT homophobia. I can’t believe anyone else has reacted to this. Like, am I literally the first one to speak out against this gay-bashing? I will not stand for it, that’s for sure! Yeah sure don’t tell us Pokemons are just fictional creatures or some excuse like that, because your games actually reflect society and all these 13-year old boys playing the game are going to think that it’s somehow wrong or unusual to be gay because their Pokemon aren’t attracted to the same gender. Is this really the message you want to send to young children Nintendo? That it’s not okay to be gay, that it’s not okay to be different? If so, then I have only one thing to say to you! FUCK YOU NINTENDO

Nintendo as to do something - NOW! They should recall all games that have left their stupid factories and just remake them with values from THIS century. I don’t get why there’s not a big uprising in the Pokemon community about this, I mean, has no one besides me noticed that Nintendo hates gays? We need to do something, something drastic, something dramatic, something that gets their attention and forces them to change their disgusting views - I am willing to be the leader of this movement. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good and the justice that needs to be brought upon Nintendo.

Right now I’m officially starting a hashtag, a hashtag that will officially become a revolution against the homophobia in the Pokemon games. If you’re like me and you’re tired of the constant oppression and gay-bashing in the little Asians’ stupid little games, tweet under #AttractAllPokemon.

I’m hoping this gets big enough so that Nintendo feels some pressure and does something, at least SOMETHING, about their gay-hating ways. Join me people, let’s bring the big N down!

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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