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Exclusive: Ted Cruz calls Obama an N-word in secret audio recording


A not so friendly exchange - Ted Cruz makes racist remarks about President Obama

This morning, Hugh Myrone Gaines, a reporter from The Stately Harold, attended a political fundraiser in San Antonio, Texas on a quest for interviews with people of political prowess - what he got, with tape recorder in hand, was a lot more than he or we bargained for.

In the interim between interviews with politicians, Gaines mingled but left his tape recorder on. This afternoon, when he was going through the tape, he made a startling discovery. About 15 minutes 40 seconds into the recording, the recorder picked up a snippet of a conversation between none other than the Texas senator himself, Ted Cruz and another man. In the recording, Ted Cruz appears to be quietly telling a joke of which we can only hear the end, but what he says is astounding nontheless. This is what it sounds like Cruz is saying "...That's what I said, but hey, times have changed, we've got a nigger in the Whitehouse" and then he chuckles.

"I walked past senator Ted Cruz several times this morning but I didn't hear the joke first hand, it was only when I reviewed it that I discovered all this" Says our reporter Hugh Myrone Gaines

Listen to the recording below:

Do you hear it too? Yes, it does indeed appear that Ted Cruz just candidly dropped the N-Bomb about the president. The statement is already drawing angry reactions from liberal groups such as the organisation VLLWOOE "Vocal Loud Liberals With Opinions On Everything", a spokesperson of which, Helen Eritas, had this to say to TSH: "We're not surprised, this is exactly the thing we would expect him to say, we're organising a rally already!"

Well, one thing is for certain, this will have major political consequences - remember that you heard it here first. Comment below and tell us what you think and Tweet under #CruzGate to discuss this astonishing recording.

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