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Why male suicides do not matter as much as female ones


As a feminist, I am often confronted with dumb statistics from anti-feminists, misogynists and people like that. Recently I got into an argument online with some male chauvinist about who has it worse, men or women - (hint, it's women, DUH, everyday is like party of privilege for men) - but anyway he was all like "But how come men kill themselves 4 times more frequently than women?". At first I thought he was joking, making a patriarchal lie to try to trick me, but after some research it did indeed seem like he was right about that fact. Now I could have responded by pointing to all the surrounding factors that might warp these statistics, such as homophobia or the fact that the Patriarchy makes men think it's cool to violently kill themselves, but you know how I reacted? - "So what?" - I mean so what if they kill themselves more often than women, even if it's only because they're depressed.

Male lives are not exactly as important as women's lives - in fact they're far from it. In the same way that Hitler's life was of no value compared to the Dalai Lama's, men's lives are dirt compared to women's. Women are life-givers. Women are tolerant. Women are kind hearted. Women are allies of Gays and Queer individuals and most are strong, independent feminists. Men on the other hand, are violent, hateful rapists who do nothing but destroy the world and kill people. How can we feel sorry for men when they knock themselves off? That's like a virus killing itself, it's good for us all.

And trying to say that the fact that men kill themselves more than women does in some way discredit feminism is insane. So yeah, more men kill themselves, but that doesn't mean that women don't have it much worse in life in general. For women there's a big stigma attached to suicide that makes women feel like it's maybe unladylike to commit suicide and that it's not their decision to make about their own bodies. That's what's creating the suicide gap between men and women. There's a double standard, for men it's seen as a cool thing to take the easy way out and be in charge of their bodies, while women are told that they're not allowed to kill themselves because of the Patriarchy tells them they're not supposed to.

Women are still far more depressed than men are. Think about it, in some states we don't have a right to abortion, birth control isn't free yet, and we're constantly objectified by cat callers. Men literally have nothing to worry about besides picking up their underwear from the floor and they can't even do that right - and yet they kill themselves - which was the stronger sex again? Women's lives are a constant struggle from the womb to the tomb and anyone who tries to say that men have it worse is obviously a sexist who doesn't understand.

When a man kills himself it's not really a big deal, I mean it's sad for the family and all, but it's kind of a boon for society. When a woman commits herself however, it's a fucking big problem that involves the Patriarchy and the whole of society. We need to start treating women with the same respect as men and maybe we can get rid of this horrifying suicide epidemic that befalls young women. We need to start prioritizing and since we're a feminist society now, we must take care of the women over the men. To discuss this with me, tweet under #MaleLivesDontMatter

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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