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Mike Huckabee: Hillary Clinton can never be president because she has periods


A bold statement in the midst of the election start up - Republican candidate Mike Huckabee declares Hillary Clinton unfit to become president because she has periods The presidential race has only just begun for Hilary Clinton, but she is already facing staunch resistance from powerful political profiles on the right. In a local Arkansas radio interview this morning, author, politician and former Governor of Arkansas and current Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee fiercely attacked Clinton’s aptitude (or lack thereof) to serve as president. This is what he had to say: - The presidential position is no place for a woman. We cannot have a president who becomes a loony nutcase for a week every month. We might be jeopardizing national security just because she's bloody moody (no pun intended). I have lived with many women throughout my life so I know what I'm talking about here, during their "woman time" they completely collapse and all they want to do is watch yucky romantic films and eat ice cream. Now do we really want someone in the oval office with those kinds of problems? When she's on the rag, she could probably set off nukes if her husband forgets to compliment her on her new haircut for chrisssakes! The interviewer, Hugh Myrone Gaines, who was audibly startled by the statement, asked Huckabee to elaborate

- Well I mean Hillary's chances of ever being a great politician are destroyed by that fact that she's got the wrong equipment for the job. I think everyone knows deep down that Hillary's periods would destroy America, but everyone's too damn politically correct to say anything! The statement has caused outrage among many Hillary Clinton supporters, many of whom condemning Huckabee’s words as sexist, misogynist and distasteful, considering Hillary’s impressive political record. LLWOOE, ‘Loud Liberals With Opinions On Everything’, have been very vocal about Huckabee’s questionable harangue. This is what Liza Bigby, a representative of the organisation had to say.

- This is disgraceful! This really shows that America is not yet an equal country. I can't believe he thinks women's periods have anything to do with how countries have been run! There have been queens for centuries and it's worked just fine! We can’t say we expected a lot from Huckabee, but this is a new low. Women are just as suitable for presidency as men! Hillary 2016.

It remains to be seen whether Hillary Clinton will respond to the attack, but here at The Stately Harold, we think Huckabee is only hurting his own campaign. To discuss this story, tweet under #PresidentialPeriods

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