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Mike Huckabee: Josh Duggar would make a better president than Hillary Clinton


A bold statement in the midst of a scandal - Mike Huckabee declares Josh Duggar more fit for presidency than Hillary Clinton The presidential race has only just begun for Hilary Clinton, but she is already facing staunch resistance from powerful political profiles on the right. In a local Arkansas radio interview this morning, author, politician and former Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee fiercely attacked Clinton’s aptitude (or lack thereof) to serve as president. This is what he had to say: - Hillary is absolutely lost when it comes to politics – she’s like a Gretel without breadcrumbs. She has the political understanding of a 4th grader and is only coasting on the success of her husband. I would sooner endorse my good friend Josh Duggar as president than I would Hilary. Josh is charming, well-spoken and very politically keen – and despite his little hiccups along the road, which I don’t think are that big of a deal anyway to be honest, I think he would make a great, upstanding president The interviewer, Hugh Myrone Gaines, was audibly startled by the statement, asked Huckabee to elaborate

- Well I mean Hillary has the charm of a wet mop whereas Josh is like a sunbeam who shines on everyone around him. I think he’d make a great president, even if he perhaps tried to lower the age of consent laughs Huckabee. The statement, which comes in the wake of the Josh Duggar scandal, has caused outrage among many Hillary Clinton supporters, many of whom condemning Huckabee’s words as viscious and distasteful, considering Hillary’s impressive political record and Josh Duggars child molestation charges. LLWOOE, ‘Loud Liberals With Opinions On Everything’, have been very vocal about Huckabee’s questionable harangue. This is what Liza Bigby, a representative of the organisation had to say.

- This is disgraceful! We can’t say we expected a lot from Huckabee, but this is a new low. He belittles Hillary by saying that she’s worse than a child molester. Seeing as Huckabee is running for president too, it’s like a child throwing sand in a sandbox. It’s immature and rude – both defending the Duggars and attacking Hillary.

It remains to be seen whether Hillary Clinton will respond to the attack, but here at The Stately Harold, we think Josh Duggar is having a light-hearted moment for the first time in a while.

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