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Muslim Sharia Day Care Center opens in California

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Los Angeles, CA – A so called ‘Sharia Day Care Center’ is scheduled to open in Northern Los Angeles in September of this year. This will be the first of its kind in America. The establishment is to be exclusively for Muslim children and any non-Muslims who enter the premises will be asked to leave.

Sharia Law is the law of the Islamic God Allah and entails gender segregation, severing of limbs and stoning of women who go against the commands of God. The planned Day Care Center, which will be called Islamic institution of child rearing and Allah’s words”, will implement a form of Sharia that has been described as “child-friendly”, or “Sharia lite”, wherein a more lenient form of the divine law is practiced.

Here are some of the rules that are enforced at Sharia Day Care Centers in Holland and Sweden and which will probably be enforced at “Islamic institution of child rearing and Allah’s words” when it opens.

- Boys and girls will have separate play rooms, - Girls must wear the religious garment called Hijab at all times - No good words about the “infidel" host country may be spoken (in this case America) - Instead of chopping off hands for stealing, the punishment will be small incisions in the knuckles with a knife - If a boy kisses another boy, the other kids will be allowed to throw marbles at them (instead of stones) - You must denounce America 5 times a day

The Imam responsible for the building of the Day Care Center Mahbe Al Zukyadeek had this to say about the project:

- We are very happy to be living in the tolerant state of California. Here we are free to practice our religion and realize projects such as this one. We hope this Day Care Center will serve as an educational facility that will impart the word of Allah into every child and breed a new generation of Muslims who will fight the holy war in America and further our divine cause

Dana Wimple, the local Democratic politician who approved the project, is equally enthused:

- This is a great opporunity to bring multiculturalism to California! We feel incredibly excited about the cross culture bonds that will be tied and are hoping for an explosive influx of Muslims to the neighbourhood.These children are the future of America!

The center is set to open on the 12th of September. To discuss this story, tweet under #ShariaDayCare

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