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I kicked a man who was manspreading so hard in the nuts that he will never have children, for femini

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20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon speaks of an empowering experience fighting against #manspreading and is now starting the hashtag #kickdeeznuts

Okay finally I got to do something! Finally I got to fight back! I feel so frickin’ empowered right now. WOW! I can’t wait to tell you what I did!

Okay, but first, let’s rewind, lol...

So the people following me in my life know that I am in New York for a week, shopping, eating bomb-ass pizza and seeing all the pretty sights. Unfortunately, being in New York, I, even as a woman, have to go down beneath the ground and ride the disgusting public transport known as the subway. I absolutely HATE public transport! It’s dirty, full of awful people and it’s the breeding ground for a new form of misogyny that I, as a feminist, cannot stand. In case you’re a little behind the times and haven’t realized what phenomenon I’m talking about, I am going to spell it out for you: M-A-N-S-P-R-E-A-D-I-NG. That’s right! Manspreading is the new craze among Patriarchal sexists. In a short space of time, men have been spreading their long hairy legs, taking up women’s spaces in public transport EVERYWHERE. Luckily, feminists like me have begun to fight back against this underground chauvinism by shaming manspreaders online, confronting them head on and creating awareness about this burning issue.

Yesterday afternoon, I got the chance to personally fight back against manspreaders and it was fucking EMPOWERING. So I entered the subway in New York because I was on my way back to the hotel after a long day of just enjoying the city. I squirmed on the inside because there were so many bums and dirty people down there, but I tried to keep my head high and nose up. It was absolutely packed down there, it must have been rush-hour or something, so I could hardly find a frickin’ seat. After like a minute of searching, I finally found a space where I could potentially park my ass, but unfortunately, yet not unexpectedly, there was a manspreader cutting into that space with his sharp, machismo knees. The guy was white, in his early 30’s (probably) and was wearing a suit, trying to look all smart and rich or whatever. I think he was trying to impress me and look like he was working at Wall Street or something and he had this smug look on his face like he was imagining his big vile body, thrusting into my milky body and slapping my jiggling tits. So, I tried to sit down – I really tried. I tried to show the man that I wanted to sit down there with all the body language I could muster, but he wouldn’t budge, he was just looking down on his phone, probably looking at demeaning fetishising porn or some shit like that. I kind of panicked. I got tunnel vision, I started sweating. Here was this man, taking up FEMALE space – he was oppressing me, he was expressing hatred towards me and my gender. I had to do something – I had to fight back – I had to do SOMETHING! So I kicked him. Hard. Really hard. I kicked him where it hurts, right in the nuts. I could feel one of his balls bursting, and my heel kind of flattening his dick like a sloppy sea gherkin. He screamed like a woman and started crying like a baby. His navy blue suit trousers became stained with dark red flecks and he coiled up bawling in his seat. The other people in the subway started screaming and pulled me away from him, calling me a bitch or whatever (typical misogyny) but as I announced that he had sexually harassed me, they got on my side and began berating the nutless man, throwing shit at him. It was a chaotic scene, full of screaming and bleeding, but it was EXHILIRATING. Then, some sexist man, some “bro dude” called an ambulance and at the next stop some medical people escorted the man I had kicked away and into safety from my female revenge.

I sat down in the seat he left vacant and felt fucking fantastic. I mean, I’m normally an advocate of pacifism and don’t like to use violence under any circumstances, but this was not just violence against one man, this was payback against the sexist institution that is manspreading. This was my way of saying FUCK YOU to all the men who think it’s perfectly okay to take up women’s spaces. This was my way of showing that women are people who deserve respect and who won’t tolerate being kept from occupying seats. What I did was important. What I did is something EVERY WOMAN who gives a shit about feminism should do. Sure, hurting people is wrong, but manspreading is MORE than wrong, it’s FUCKING MISOGYNIST! I want more women to do what I did. I want more people to stand up to the manspreading plague that is hurting so many women EVERYWHERE. I want all women, when seeing a manspreader, to hammer their feet into their crotch and make some REAL fucking damage. I am sure the guy I kicked will NEVER ever have children and I think that’s fucking due punishment for spreading sexism in the bowels of New York. And for anyone telling me that I will be charged with assault or some shit, well gues what, he was harrassing me, so it was only self defense! I am starting a hashtag, nay, a movement, called #KickDeezNuts. I encourage everyone to tweet under this to get the fucking word out there about what should be done to manspreaders. This is the only REAL way we can FIGHT manspreading! Get behind the cause! Fucking love you all my sisters!

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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