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Duke University student refuses to pay his tuition because he identifies as a Mosque


Islamic identity - Duke University student won't pay for his schooling because he feels he is a Mosque inside

There's been an unusualy high number of trans stories in recent months - first there was Bruce Jenner who came out as transexual, then, now resigned NAACP leader, Rachel Dolezal,came out as transracial - now, a Duke university student is joining the trans-trend.

Martin Maggenheimer, a 22-year old student of Duke University is refusing to pay his third year tuition fee because he identifies as a Mosque. Martin claims to be 'transstructural' and he has apparently felt like an Islamic building of worship since he was a little boy. According to him, he shouldn't have to pay for his schooling because he is not a human being and asks to simply be left in peace by the University administration. This is what Martin, or "Mosque" as he now calls himself, had to say in a public statement he made earlier today.

"I am a Mosque, I have always been a Mosque and I will always be a Mosque. Ever since I was born, I've felt like a religious building inside a human male's body and now I've recently come out as my true self. As I am a Mosque, I should not have to pay to learn as I have no means of supporting myself. I should be free to be wherever I please. I will sue the school for discrimination if they decide to force me to pay, it’s that simple.”

The school administration reportedly thought Maggenheimer was making a joke at first, but he has been increasingly steadfast and adamant that he is indeed a Mosque, to the point where they have begun to realize the seriousness of the situation. This is a precarious situation for the school as strict discriminatory policies apply to Universities around the country and the board has had to consult legal help in order to work out the particulars in this case of identity politics. Maya Swelter, a member of the school board had this to say about the Mosque matter.

If I understand correctly, there’s one entity here within the confines of our school that identifies as a Mosque and we will try to be as tolerant and understanding as possible, but we will still need to see a payment from Mr. Mosque if it is to be permitted to stay on Campus. We are doing all we can to resolve this issue and not cause undue stress for the student.

Friends of Maggenhaimer say that they did not notice anything strange about him before he came out as transstructural, but they say he’s always had a thing for Islam.

I’ve known him since Highschool and this is a very strange situation for me as his friend. He says he wants me to come inside of him, convert to Islam and pray. I don’t know what’s going on to be honest.”

says John Pooler, a former close friend of the Mosque

Maggenheimer has now started a social media campaign called #MosqueLivesMatter in which he protests against the University's supposed discrimination and is urging other Mosques to come out and join him under the banner. His Twitter handle is @transmosqueman

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