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There are no transgender dinosaurs in Jurassic World and here is why that is a problem

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20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon thinks Jurassic World should have addressed the transgender issue better.

I can't believe what I've just seen! It makes me want to hurl! I think it's disgusting that movie studios think they can get away with anything because they've got money and power. Movies need to start talking about the important issues and not just be a playground for white straight males and their stupid fantasies.

So, anyway, I went to see this new movie that came out called Jurassic world. It's a story about dinosaurs and it's apparently a continuaton of some films that came out in the 90's or whatever. I went with this geeky male friend I have who promised to take me out to dinner afterwards, so I was like, whatever, and went with him even though I'm not that into dinosaurs.

So anyway we sat down in the cinema, slurped some soda, fondled some popcorn and waited for the movie to start. When it did, I knew I was in for a hell of a chauvinistic ride. Firstly, the protagonist of the film is male, white and straight (SURPRISED?). Played by Chiss Pratt, this dude is really adventurous and brave and shit, and is really portrayed in a good light. They kept all the good sides of the male stereotype in and removed the catcalling, the hitting women and the raping that women and transfolk are subjected to on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the (white!) female lead is submissive, passive and far too attractive to make women feel comfortable watching her. Why couldn't they have made her into a kickass, strong, fierce kinda ugly, sassy black woman who rides dinosaurs and takes names? It would have been so simple to make such a tiny tweak and make the movie safe to watch for everyone in the process.

But what got to me the most is not even the gender roles - cuz they're fucking everywhere and I am so desensitized to them - no, the biggest problem with this movie is how it portrays the dinosaurs. It appears that from the the get go, all dinosaurs in this movie are cisgender. They all seem to subscribe to the gender they were assigned at birth and there is no exploration of the dinosaurs gender respective identities. The dinosaurs are given very shallow roles where important issues like gender dysphoria, gender belonging and transitioning into another gender are completely swept under the rug. At least 10% of all humans are transgender and why would it be different in the dinosaur community?

I think Steve Spielberg had the perfect opportunity to explore transgender issues among a species such as the dinosaur in this movie - but of course he fucking failed miserably at doing anything but going into the same old rut of depicting senseless, thoughtless violence that white frat guys can eat cheetos and get high to after having left a woman in another dorm, raped and confused. THIS is what's wrong with America! It would have been the perfect timing too, to address trans issues within the dinosaur community, I mean just look at Caitlyn Jenner! Transgender is fucking HOT and IN right now and I can't believe Hollywood can just snub transpeoples' right to get attention by not featuring trans dinosaurs in this film.

If you enjoyed this film, you must be a white male asshole who only cares about violence and killing stuff. You must be super unaware of the struggle that millions of transpeople have to go through EVERY DAY in this transphobic society and by going to see this movie, you are contributing to their pain.

If you don't boycott this movie for not featuring transgender dinosaurs, I fucking hate you and hope you get run over by a bus.

Discuss this with me under the hashtag #TransDino and I'll prove you wrong every. fucking. time.

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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