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Chick Fil A launches 'Straight Chicken' meal to protest against Gay Marriage ruling

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Only one type of breast – Chick Fil A announces new meal in protest of Gay Marriage ruling

Supporters of Gay Marriage erupted with cheer today as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Gay Marriage for all American states – but not everyone is happy. Chick Fil A, the fast-food chain known for its Anti-Gay stance was swift to announce a new meal, called “Straight Chicken” that is obvious statement against Gay Marriage. CEO Dan T. Cathy had this to say in a press release related to the new product.

- We don’t like what’s happening in our country and therefore we have decided to launch a meal containing “Straight Chicken - it’s natural”, it’s not perverted and it’s pure, just like it should be. Chick Fil A will continue to serve only the purest chicken and we won’t be giving our customers deviations of nature, like the rest of the country seem to want to endorse. We’re firm in our stance against today’s abomination and we want everyone who buys our chicken to know it.

The meal will be very similar to normal Chick Fil A meals, but will feature extra “pure” and “natural” chicken that “don’t go against God’s words”. The company hopes that their already conservative customer base will welcome this new meal and purchase it in protest of the new Gay Marriage laws. We visited a nearby Chick Fil A and met a named Bruce Tucker who had come there to sample one of the first servings of the Straight Chicken, this is what he had to say.

- Well I’m here because I believe in traditional marriage and good food. I ain’t gonna have no White House letting people defy God and that’s why I am here, to show support for the true and natural way.

Outside of the Chick Fil A we met a young woman who had just come from a celebration of the Supreme Court Ruling, she commented Chick Fil A’s stance: - I think it’s disgusting that a company is so dead set on being hateful towards Gay people. We’ve won, they’re sore losers trying to protest at this point. Long live the Pride Flag!

We are yet to see how the Straight Chicken will affect sales, but we predict that it will increase revenue as many are eager to show their dissent with today’s ruling. We will update you on any developments, in the meantime, discuss this story under #StraightChicken

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