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Serena Williams should be stripped of her Wimbledon title - because she is built like a man - #Strip

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20-year old feminist Cassidy Boon doesn't think Serena Williams deserves her title because of her build

Yesterday she won again - Serena "Big Hands" Williams slammed her way to the top of another Wimbledon. I just can't take it anymore - really - the fact that this is allowed makes me really sick. It's such a disgusting thing that I don't even know where to start, that she, who has nothing to do with Women's Tennis whatsoever, actually professes to be the best in the world, while real women are forced to slave away and challenge someone who is unfairly built.

That's right - Serena is cheating the female Tennis world - big time . Her big hands, broad shoulders and tall height are obviously not traits that belong in female Tennis as a sport.They're MALE traits, and belong on MALE athletes. When Serena brings these things into a female space, all she's doing is getting an unfair advantage over the other women and at the same time glorifying male power and strength. Her swelling musles and square jawline are unfair weapons that she uses to decimate all her usually strong, independent and fierce opponents and reduce them to losers. It's not a good look, at all.

Serena Williams should not be allowed to compete with women. Period. What she's doing is destroying so many years worth of female empowerment and feminism by using male traits to utterly destroy other women on the Tennis court. Sure, I wouldn't have a problem with Serena Williams winning if she'd been just a regular woman, in fact, as a feminist, I'd be super happy with her for going after her dreams and kicking ass. But Serena Williams is not really a woman at all, she's some kind of masculinized mutant hybrid whose only purpose in life seems to be to make it harder for women to do well at tennis and disempower little girls who want to get into Tennis. Imagine when a little 6 year old girl who wants to try out Tennis realizes who is the world champion in the sport. Just by looking at Serena, the girl will be completely put off from the sport because she will realize that she will never be the champion at it with such beasts in the game. Serena literally breaks young girls dreams and I bet she enjoys it. She's sick.

It's time she got out of the game and let real women compete without such a disadvantage. We need to take away all her stupid title and make sure she never gets to associate with Tennis ever again. And how are we going to do that? Well, I am creating a campaign called #StripSerena that I hope people will get behind because I know most people agree with me on this issue but are, like, too pussy to talk about it.

Tweet under #StripSerena to discuss this article and perhaps if we get enough people behind us, we can get the official people to suspend her or something. Let's go people!

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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