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If you own a pitbull you are evil - pitbulls should be banned

I can't believe they're allowed to be out in the open. They're vicious killers. That's all they are. They're murdering machines. Nothing more. They should all be gotten rid of immediately to ensure that people don't have suffer at their mercy (or lack thereof). All the owners shut their eyes tightly and ignore the problems that they cause in all communities around America and in my opinion they are just as bad as the monsters. Your excuses are literally killing babies and unless you do something about it, their blood is on your hands. Their gnashing teeth are like something out of a nightmare and I can't believe anyone can love these things. Shame on you owners - shame on you.

So anyway, in case you haven't realized what I'm talking about, there's this breed of dog (and when I say dog I actually mean monster) that only idiot rednecks and gun-touting white trash people who can't support their families seem to own. They're called pitbulls and I PITY anyone who gets close to one. In like 80 percent of all dog attacks, Pitbulls are to blame. They're killing toddlers, babies and elderly any chance they get and they seem to cherish the mauling of humans more than anything. Pitbulls don't attack for any particular reasons aside from it giving them immense pleasure to harm and hurt kids and weak humans. They might act all calm when they're with their owners but when left alone with someone who isn't their owner they will attack them and kill them on the spot.

Owners who try to defend Pitbulls I am talking to you right now: You're evil and it's your negligence that allows thousands of babies to be killed every year by your so called pets. If you own a pitbull you are literally what is wrong with the world and you should probably be locked up for putting so many innocent people in danger. I don't care if you love your pitbull and if you say it's a cuddly sweetheart, when you're not looking, it's actually killing people and loving it. And for all you people who think that Pitbulls only are agressive if they're raised wrong, you're FUCKING WRONG. Firstly, anyone who owns a Pitbull is not suitable to own a pet and they're all probably raising the dogs to fight, however, even without an aggressive upbringing, Pitbulls are naturally aggressive - Nothing you say can take away from that FACT. Pitbull will only protect their shithouse, alcoholic whitetrash owners and kill everyone else. As someone who really cares about babies and the lives of human beings in general, I say this: PITBULLS NEED TO BE BANNED. Pitbulls are not guard dogs. Pitbulls are not loving. Pitbulls hate babies. Pitbulls kill babies. Pitbulls must be eradicated AT ALL COST! Pitbulls need to be put down by the millions to ensure a safe America and if you don't realize why, you're a part of the problem!

Right now I am starting a hashtag called #BanPitbulls and I'm hoping that enough people can get behind it I think Obama will listen and put an end to the reign of the child-killing Pitbullls. Tweet under the hashtag to discuss this with me and let's get rid of the Pitbulls once and for all!

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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