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Tom Syndicate is a sexist douche and his Youtube needs to be shut down NOW!

I'm sorry for, like, only writing about video games and lame ass shit related to them lately, but i really have a lot to get out of my system. After having been attacked for the twentieth-millionth time on Twitter, by, like, flabby man-foetuses with fedoras and pools of Monster-energy drink in their laps AKA #GamerGate nerds, I can't really help but to be stuck in the videogame mindset. Today I've discovered a totally, like, new horror enveloped in this filthy thumb-twaddling subculture, and this horror goes by the name of Tom Casserole or as the. dweebs have dubbed him "Tom Syndicate". I stumbled upon this, um, lowlife loser, when I was having a fabulous manicure at a nearby salon here in Boston. Suddenly my iPhone vibrated and showed a Twitter notification. At first I thought it was just another fan of my writing following me, but on closer inspection it was a retweet by someome I know, the tweet showed a picture of the man (boy) #ugghhh I would later know as Tom Syndicate. His face was like twisted and I knew then and there that this guy was a total douchebag. I couldn't help myself, I had to find out who this tool was #CuriousCassidy #lol and so I looked him up on Google. What I found was horrifying. This guy, who's 2 years older than me, is making, like, millions of dollars just sitting on his ass playing sexist, misogynistic games where you shoot and torture women. Wow. Just. Wow. How is this even allowed? Like, WTF, he's like a total nerd and he's got that kind of money? Umm, why the hell do people even watch it, I'm like really confuzzled or whatever. But the sexist games that he tugs his junk to while playing is not even the worst part, no, for me, as a feminist, the worst part is seeing his sister being, like, tortured at the hands of this maniac. Apparently she, a very pretty young, strong woman, is forced to work in a sweatshop making shitty T-shirts for her shitdick brother, that he then goes on to sell to be able to afford China-sized TVs and gallons of icky beer. This guy has to be stopped. Like now, like I'm not messing around, this guy has to like fuck off the internet A.S.A.P. All his videos have to be fucking taken down from YouTube cuz they're promoting sexism and sister-labor. Tom Syndicate, you make me really, fucking, sick, like forreal, I can't wait to see you like go. Tf away. Join me in bringing him down Tweet under #SoLongSyndicate

© 2014 by The Stately Harold. This is Satire!

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